Monday, September 13, 2010

Where's the SUBSTANCE? It seems to be a lack thereof...

As I was "tweeting" and scanning the internet I noticed some thing that was very alarming. A lot of the women on the sites have no substance. Well, that may seem a bit harsh but that's my take from it. Everyone wants to be like the next person, I see no authentic individuals anymore. Everyone wants to be Nicki Minaj or Rihanna or whatever female artist thats hot. Everyone is a "model" and 1/2 naked or has a disgusting Twitter name identifying one particular body part they get the most attention from people of the opposite sex or welp nowadays same sex. I feel our generation is lost and it's truly sad. Everyone pours themselves into these internet social sites 24hrs a day it's quite addictive, however people have made these sites their lives. They make up an alter ego and become whomever they want to be on the sites in the process losing their true selves, if they ever knew who they were to begin with. Seeing that I've been off work on medical leave I see the same people "tweeting" & "updating their lives away". I'm thinking how are these people having healthy social lives? Do they have a job? Like seriously I'm not trying to talk about anyone because these sites have made things very convenient because they are linked to mobile devices, but seriously what are you doing with your life? When a woman can take a photo of her breast and post it for "Titty Tuesday" it is quite alarming. Young woman, welp old woman (everyone participates) where are your morals and values? All you offer is your breast? your butt? Where is your substance? What's going to get you to the next level in life? What are your hopes, dreams, what are you passionate about? Partying and internet social sites that's what excites you? Women need to realize WE HAVE THE POWER! The sooner you realize that, the sooner you can change your life. A dear friend told me several years ago, a man will only do what you allow him to do. And that is very simple and so true. If we as women changed the game up and started making men RESPECT us again then they would have no other option but to do just that. I seriously wonder where is the substance? Is it really cool to post on these internet sites that "I'm so horny right now". Really? is that "what's up".  And yes I'm all for freedom of speech and you can do whatever you want with your internet site, however what image are you trying to portray? What type of man are you trying to attract? Is sex the only thing you can offer him? I mean serious it comes a point in a woman/man's life when they have to look at the person in the mirror and make proper adjustments to become you they want to be in life and attract who they want to be with in life. This is just ridiculous now. Everyone can not be a model, party promoter, sex symbol, photographer, designer, local celebrity. I'm sorry "it ain't for everybody" LOL! I just want woman especially to RESPECT themselves see their worth and get back to the SUBSTANCE!

XOXOXO, Princess Nikki

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